8 Effective Ways to Prepare Your House for a Quick Sale
The thought of preparing your home to sell can sound daunting...
I mean, I get it, we have done it a time or two ourselves, and the idea of having to make our house “show ready” on top of our kids was stressful. However, what we found helpful in order to tackle this hurdle was sitting down and creating a list of items that needed to be done.
There is something freeing about physically writing a list on a piece of paper and checking it off once completed. Below is a quick and easy checklist on how to get your house ready to sell.
Cleaning with kids in the house is like brushing your teeth while eating Oreos.
8 Ways on How to Get Your House Ready to Sell:
Declutter: Less is always more. Take one room at a time and start boxing items away, and putting items aside to drop off at your local donation center. Don’t be afraid to utilize your garage as a place to start storing moving boxes.
Organize: This one falls in line with decluttering. We made it a rule that if we didn’t use or wear items in our closets in the past two years that it was time to part ways. This helped organize every closet in the house. Plus it makes you realize how much unnecessary “stuff” we all start to accumulate over time. I really love target for decorative storage bins. They have great selections at great prices, plus they are pretty dang cute too.
Paint touch-ups: Make sure to touch up areas that are visible to the eye and around high traffic areas. Paint can go along way, and one of the cheapest ways to refresh a house. Our secret tip to cabinet paint touch-ups…Sherwin Williams carries paint pens and they are perfect for small touch-ups.
Carpet cleaning: Not only will a good carpet cleaning make your carpets look fresh, but it will also help pull odor build-up. We’ve used Stanley Steemer when it comes to professional carpet cleaners and had a great experience.
Keep it light & bright: Now is the time to change out light bulbs that might be out. Open up all the curtains and make sure windows and treatments are dust-free and clean. Lighting is everything! Not only for photos, but it can make your space feel bigger and more welcoming for buyers.
Depersonalize your home: Buyers want to envision themselves in your home. Take time to take down photos and anything that suggests who you are. Plus, it’s a small world after all. I’ve been in homes where I have recognized the sellers in a photo on the wall, and even as the realtor I find myself distracted.
Deferred maintenance: Now is the time to get ahead of items that might not be working or need attention. We have a wide range of vendors to help fix any situation!
Cleaning: A clean house plays a huge part when buyers start to preview your home. It’s important to clear and wipe down countertops, wipe down appliances, deep clean bathrooms, wash floors, wipe down windows, and top it off with a good vacuum. If you're in a pinch for time, hiring a cleaner at the end can definitely be worth it. We love using Pure Clean for all of our residential cleaning needs. Plus they are a Minneapolis-based company.